Educators Guide
This digital guide is available to staff whose organizations purchase ReadAskChat for their families. Videos show how you can deepen dialogic reading practice and children’s foundational early learning. Among the topics covered are “Curiosity and Science Learning,” “Asking Open-ended Questions,” and “Connecting Home and School through Andie Stories.”
Family Introduction to ReadAskChat
Our Introduction to ReadAskChat, available in both English and Spanish, is perfect for Family Literacy Night or other in-person or virtual meetings.
Videos for Families in English and Spanish
Our series of 36 one-minute videos, in English and Spanish, shows the joys and benefits of family reading and conversation and what it looks like with Babies, Toddlers, and older Prereaders. We encourage organizations to share our videos in their communications with families to keep the ReadAskChat conversations going!
Watch a sample video in English.
Mira un video de muestra en español.
Data Dashboard
Program managers use the dashboard to evaluate family engagement through multiple metrics—time spent reading, use of conversation starters, and other indicators. Aggregate data is useful for monitoring and reporting. User-level data enables educators to personalize outreach and customize family programming.
Professional Development in
Joyful Dialogic Reading
This five-part course presents a deep dive into ReadAskChat’s joyful and easy dialogic reading method™ and the research supporting it. Modules may be delivered online or in person and are particularly designed for professional learning communities.